Bri in the Sky

Brian looked down at the sea below, interlocking slabs of endless grey, as cold and unyielding as granite and equally as unforgiving, a deadly adversary. The phrase ‘from here to eternity’ flashed through Brian’s mind. Not a comforting thought for every pilot knew that exposure and hypothermia would inevitably claim his life even if he […]

The New Website

Welcome to the new website. Stradbroke Online was instigated in 2014 to provide residents with an up-to-date information base about all aspects of Stradbroke. It has been managed by a small group of residents keen to provide a reliable information resource in the village. The editors have long planned an upgrade of the website to […]


To her right the North Sea was sneezing and grumbling. It cleared its throat repeatedly, looked drab and out of sorts. Lily’s own state of mind exactly. The inside of her head was full of shifting layers of, what? Sand, most likely. Sand and, or, mud. To her left, winter-empty beach huts, colours muted, paint […]


Despite the insistent wind lashing against their faces, the visiting walkers stomped along the coastal path. Disconcertingly, the sea was higher than the land and pregnant sails peeped over the sea wall looking down on woolly-headed, wax-jacketed, thermal-gloved stalwarts. Sturdy boots splashed and squelched with regular stops to allow for ‘bird-watching’. A woman did just […]