Meetings are normally held in the Stradbroke Community Centre and start at 7.30 pm. Membership for this year runs from September 2017 to September 2018. Please contact Gwyneth Harris, our Treasurer, for a membership form if you would like to join. Her address is: 16, Woodfields, Stradbroke, Eye, Suffolk IP21 5JQ and her phone number is 01379 388089. It costs £5 for an individual or £8 for a family.
The remaining dates for 2018 are: April 7th, June 16th, September 15th, October 27th, December 8th.
For each meeting you will receive a booking form about three weeks before the due date. This form gives a description of the tasting to be offered, indicates who will be the speaker and also gives the cost of the meeting. Members may also invite guests and the cost for them is normally £2 more per person than members pay.
This magnificent display of mainly French Wines gives some idea of the variety of different wines that members have had a chance to try. Not all on the same evening of course! Membership of our society and attendance at a succession of meetings is an excellent way to discover which wines you really do like and which, sadly, you do not. Apart from more formal wine tastings with a speaker, there is also a variety of different kinds of social evenings including a hot meal just before Christmas each year. We have occasional group meals out and in the distant past there were even three coach trips to France.
The Steering Group
Gerald & Margaret Jenkins (01379 384825)
David & Jacqueline Holmes (01379 384986),
Alison Hackett (01379 388872),
Brian & Vivienne Goffee (01379 384118),
Gwyneth Harris (01379 388089)
Margaret Norris ( 01379 384492)