The Playing Fields are home to our cricket and football clubs and used for other events. The field also has a fitness track for use by all ages, sometimes simply for some rehabilitative walking or more energetic exercise.

The Stradbroke Charitable Trust was given a legacy of £25,000 by Reggie Elvin which he wanted to be spent on sport and sporting activities for the village, especially for the benefit of young people. The money was divided into three parts, the first to help with the drainage of the playing field, the second to help with the MUGA (Multi-Use Games Area) at the High School and the third with some extra donations to provide a Fitness Track around the outside of the newly drained playing field.

The track is 516 metres long and has a special baked clay surface so it can be used in all weather conditions. Three times round this track is close to a mile and this is useful for those who need to exercise in a measured way during convalescence or after an operation. It is helpful that it is away from traffic and public roads. For those who seek something more demanding, there are six items of fitness equipment spaced out around the track which offer the chance to climb, do pull-ups and balance exercises while running round and round the track.



When it was completed, the Fitness Track was donated to the Parish Council and was opened by Dr Jim Morris to a fanfare played by the Stradbroke Brass Band and during an extremely heavy shower of rain!